Christine Roughan

CDH / MARBAS Postdoctoral Research Associate
Princeton University
Center for the Digital Humanities
Manuscript, Rare Book & Archive Studies
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"The Little Astronomy and Middle Books between the 2nd and 13th Centuries CE: Transmissions of Astronomical Curricula."

New York University, PhD Dissertation. [link]

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles


"Out of Maragha: Observations, Teachings, and Translations."

Mediterranea. International Journal on the Transfer of Knowledge 7 (2022): 347-375. [link]


"Animated Shadows on Virtual Stone: Ancient Sundials in a Gallery Setting."

(With Sebastian Heath and Rachel Herschman.) Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy 12 (2018). [link]


"Citation and Alignment: Scholarship Outside and Inside the Codex."

(With Christopher Blackwell and Neel Smith.) Manuscript Studies 1.1 (2016). [link]


"Digital Texts and Diagrams: Representing the Transmission of Euclid’s Elements."

Digital Classics Online 2.1 (2015). [link]

Publications in Conference Volumes


"Ordered Curricula from Greek into Arabic: The Little Astronomy and the Middle Books."

Collected studies of the University of Edinburgh’s International Graduate Conferences in Late Antique, Islamic and Byzantine Studies.


"Digital Editions and Diplomatic Diagrams."

Proceedings of the First International Conference on Digital Access to Textual Cultural Heritage (2014). [link]

Book Reviews


"Lambertus Willem Cornelis van Lit, Among Digitized Manuscripts. Philology, Codicology, Paleography in a Digital World."

Die Welt des Islams 61.1 (2021): 136-138. [link]

Open Access Writing


"Notes on Astronomy."

Lesson contributed to the digital textbook Mouse&Manuscript. [link]


"Using Kraken to Train your own OCR Models."

Guest contribution to The Digital Orientalist. [link]

Upcoming and Recent Presentations

2024 (upcoming)

"Evaluating Augmented Training Data for Complex Document Layouts: the Case of Arabic Scientific Manuscripts."

ADHO Digital Humanities Conference 2024: Reinvention & Responsibility (Arlington, VA). [link]


"Computational Approaches to Textual Multiplicity in Curricular Manuscripts."

Institut für Mittelalterforschung, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften (Vienna). [link]

"Theodore Metochites and the Byzantine study of Ptolemy in the 14th century."

Séminaire d’histoire des sciences astronomiques (Paris). [link]


"The Recensions of Euclid’s Phaenomena: Transmissions into Arabic."

Delphi symposium on Greek Mathematics (Delphi).


"Linguistic Analysis in the Inscriptions of Israel/Palestine Project."

(With Christopher B. Zeichmann and Michael L. Satlow). Poster session. ENCODE/ VII Workshop (Leuven). [link]